Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Mudahnya Membuat E Paspor dan Pengajuan Visa Waiver Jepang

Membuat E Paspor dan Pengajuan Visa Waiver Jepang

Awal September 2018 lalu paspor gue expired, dank arena udah megang tiket ke Jepang untuk Maret 2019, gue putusin untuk perpanjangan paspor mau sekalian diubah jadi E paspor supaya bisa mengajukan Visa Waiver Jepang.

Berikut beberapa alasan gue mengajukan E paspor daripada paspor biasa:
E passport bisa mengajukan Visa Waiver Jepang yang:
  • Gratis
  • Bisa dapat visa dengan jangka waktu maksimal 3 tahun dengan lama 15 hari/ kunjungan

Walapun biaya E paspor bisa 2 kali lipat dari paspor biasa, namun kalau ada rencana ke Jepang, jatuhnya sama aja, yaitu:

  • Paspor biasa : Rp. 350.000,-
  • E paspor : Rp. 650.000,-
  • Namun kalau mau ke Jepang, untuk pengajuan Visa Jepang dikenakan biaya regular Rp. 370.000,-, sedangkan Visa Waiver (hanya bagi pengguna E paspor) dikenakan Rp. 0,-.

Jadi sebenarnya bisa lebih hemat dengan E paspor, dimana untuk 1 kali perjalanan ke Jepang dengan  paspor biasa bisa kena Rp. 720.000,-, sedangkan dengan E paspor yang Visa Waiver-nya disetujui bisa kena Rp. 650.000,-.

Memang beda tipis, tapi bagi yang senang ke Jepang dan dalam jangka waktu 3 tahun Visa Waiver bisa jalan lebih dari 1 kali, ini lumayan banget. Dan kalaupun Visa Waiver sudah expired, bisa diajukan lagi dengan E paspor yang ada dan biaya Rp. 0,-. Menarik sekali bukan???

Membuat E Paspor
  • Sekarang untuk buat paspor bisa di Kantor Imigrasi mana saja, ga mesti sesuai dengan alamat KTP ataupun penerbit paspor kita pertama kali. Karena banyak berita-berita kalau blanko E paspor terbatas dan sering habis, jadi gue cari info terlebih dahulu kantor mana di area Bogor dan Jakarta yang available blanko-nya.
  • In touch dengan Kantor Imigrasi mudah banget, sebab di setia website Kantor Imigrasi sudah ada nomor Whatsapp (WA) yang bisa di-chat dan responnya juga sangat cepat dan jelas, keren.
  • Setelah in touch dengan beberapa Kantor Imigrasi, gue buat jadwal dengan Kantor Imigrasi Kantor Imigrasi Kelas I Khusus Jakarta Barat (Kota Tua) karena blanko E paspor tersedia dan paling mudah di akses dari kantor gue di Sudirman.
  • Untuk buat jadwal pun mudah banget, tinggal akses atau unduh aplikasinya di HP. Saat itu gue buat jadwal di hari Jumat untuk antrian di Rabu pagi, minggu berikutnya.
  • Saat hari H, bawa print out janji temu (antrian), EKTP, dan Paspor Lama.
  • Security akan bertanya tentang waktu janji temu (antrian), jika sudah pada waktunya, maka kita diarahkan ke Petugas front liner.
  • Di petugas front liner, kelengkapan dokumen diperiksa, lalu petugas front liner menyerahkan dokumen yang sudah lengkap dan memberikan nomor antrian.
  • Menunggu sebentar sampai dengan nomor antrian dipanggil dan diarahkan untuk menuju ke counter dengan nomor tertentu.
  • Pada counter, ditanya mau proses apa dan jenis paspor apa? Lalu ambil foto dan diberikan slip untuk pembayaran biaya yang dilakukan di van Pos Indonesia di belakang gedung Kantor Imigrasi dan slip pengambilan paspor 7 hari kemudian.
  • Bayar biaya di van Pos Indonesia, simpan bukti bayar untuk ditunjukkan saat pengambilan paspor.
  • 7 hari kemudian, ambil paspor dengan menunjukkan bukti bayar biaya dan menyerahkan slip pengambilan paspor.
  • Ini dia penampakan E paspor gue:

Pengajuan Visa Waiver Jepang


  • Datang ke Kedutaan Besar Jepang di Thamrin, dimana pengajuan berkas dilakukan pada Senin – Jumat, pukul. 08:30 am – 12:00 pm. Gue sampai di sana sekitar pukul 7.30, security mengarahkan untuk duduk di waiting area di samping pintu masuk gedung, ketika ke situ, sudah ada 3 orang yang antri.
  • Pukul 08.30 am, security mengarahkan untuk antri 2 line di depan pintu masuk, 1 line untuk group dan 1 line untuk pengajuan 1 orang.
  • Kita diminta masuk per batch yang terdiri dari 5-6 orang per batch.
  • Lalu diminta untuk mengenakan nametag visitor dan menyimpan tas pada counter, hanya diperkenankan membawa aplikasi pengajuan dan dompet untuk masuk ke ruang pengajuan visa.
  • Saat masuk ruang pengajuan visa, kita diberi nomor antri dan diminta menunggu sampai nomor dipanggil.
  • Saat dipanggil, serahkan aplikasi dan E paspor ke petugas. Kita akan diberikan tandaterima dan diminta untuk datang 2 hari kemudian untuk pengampilan E paspor ber- Visa Waiver.
  • 2 hari nunggu, bukin deg-degan banget karena belum tentu berhasil dapat Visa Waiver.
  • Siang 2 hari kemudian, meluncur ke Kedutaan Besar Jepang untuk pengambilan E paspor sambal berdoa Visa Waiver untuk disetujui.
  • Prosedurnya sama dengan saat pengajuan, antri dan dipanggil.
  • Di depan counter, petugas menerima tandaterima saat pengajuan Visa Waiver, kemudian menyerahkan E paspor. Petugasnya ga ngomong apa-apa, jadi gue buru-buru buka E paspor untuk ngecek ada tambahan apa ga di dalam dan lalu keliatanlah stiker Visa Waiver.
  • Setelah bilang terima kasih, gue duduk di area tunggu di depan counter untuk baca lebih detil Visa Waiver, huaaaaa… senang banget Visa Waiver disetujui, begini penampakannya:

  • Stempel merah di bawah stiker itu nunjukin kalau Visa Waiver sudah terdaftar di Kedutaan Besar Jepang. Jadi kalau masuk Jepang, cukup menggunakan Visa Waiver yang sudah terdaftar ini.
  • Visa Waiver berlaku selama 3 tahun dengan catatan, setiap kunjungan adalah maksimal 15 hari.

Japan, here I come….

Side Note: pengajuan Visa Jepang Reguler perlu melampirkan dokumen yang umumnya diserahkan saat pengajuan Visa negara lain seperti Korea Selatan, mulai dari Flight Booking, Hotel, Financial Statement 3 bulan terkahir, Surat Keterangan Kerja, SIUP dan TDP tempat bekerja, Itinerary, dan lain-lain. Menurut gue, ini agak rempong dengan kemungkinan disetujui/ ditolak yang juga fifty- fifty. Apalagi untuk karyawan dengan tabungan pas-pasan yang terkadang ga confident dengan Financial Statement-nya. Jadi Visa Waiver ini solusi banget buat penyuka budget travelling macam gue, hohohohooo... ditambah lagi Jepang itu ga cukup sekali dikunjungi karena banyak banget wilayah indah yang recommended banget untuk dieksplor.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

7 Days 6 Nights Itinerary – Japan (Short Version)

7 Days 6 Nights Itinerary – Japan (Short Version)

My friend and I went to Japan this year. This is a special occasion because this is our first trip to Japan and we always want to travel in spring to witness the beautiful Sakura.

Period: 29 March – 5 April 2019
Starting Point: KIX Kansai International Airport
Cities Destination: Osaka, Tokyo, Fuji, and Kyoto
Day 1 - 29th March

Osaka - KIX Kansai International Airport
  • Safely touched down at KIX Kansai International Airport around 10 pm.
  • Immigration.
  • Dinner 24 hours Family Mart, check in area in Terminal 1.
  • Spending the night at the Prayer Room, KIX Kansai International Airport.

Day 2 - 30th March

Osaka - KIX Kansai International Airport
  • Fly to Haneda, Tokyo at 7 am.

Haneda International Airport

  • Arrived at Haneda International Airport.
  • Bought monotrain (900 Yen) and Tokunai Pass (750 Yen) ticket for the day.
  • Head to Hotel Owl Tokyo, Shimbashi to check in and baggage drop.


  • Ameyoko is kind of street market. There’s almost everything here, from clothes, cosmetics, medicines and all, also especially famous for the seafood street food.
  • We grab a fulfilling, delicious, and cheap lunch here. Love this street very much :)

Ueno Park

  • Strolling around Ueno Park and enjoy the Sakura view.


  • Experience crossing at Shibuya Intersection and take a lot of pictures.
  • A snap with the Legendary Hachiko Dog Statue
  • Window shopping at this district

Day 3 - 31th March


  • To capture a beautiful view of Tokyo Tower and Sakura, we visited Zojoji Temple.
  • To reach Zojoji Temple, take a train to Hamamatsucho Station, Exit B2. Zojoji Temple is just a brief walk distance.

Tokyo Station and Tokyo Imperial Palace

  • From Marunouchi Exit, Tokyo Station on the way to Tokyo Imperial Palace, enjoy and take some pics of the elegant Tokyo Station Building.
  • Enjoy Sakura at the Imperial Palace’s park.


  • We spent the noon here. Again, it’s Sunday, so the crowded is crazy. It’s a bit hard even for a walk ^^’
  • We enjoy Japanese Pop Street Music, take pics in the super famous Takeshita Dori Sign, and tried fruit Crepes for afternoon snack, delicious!! 


  • Another shopping center in Tokyo, we can easily find local and international brands here.  

Tekko Building

  • Bus head to Kawaguchi embarking from Tekko Building, situated in the left side of Yaesu/ North Exit, Tokyo Station.  There's a beautiful alley full of Sakura and lighting just across the building, so took sometime to snaps there, hehe......

Day 4 - 1th April  


Kawaguchi Lake

  • In the morning, we’re lucky to capture the Majestic Fujisan, woooowww… what an amazing and mesmerizing view.

Kawaguchiko Station

  • We drop our Baggage at Kawaguchiko Station, cost 500 Yen/ pax and bought the Mount Fuji World Heritage Loop Bus Pass and head to Chureito Pagoda. We enjoyed the view of Kawaguchiko Lake in the entire ride there.

Chureito Pagoda

  • Chureito Pagoda is a five storied pagoda on the mountainside overlooking Mount Fuji off in the distance. This pagoda is really beautiful in the Spring, since we can catch the view of Chureito Pagoda with Sakuran and Mount Fuji as the background. This view is the one that we plan to get by coming here.
  • Unfortunately in early April, Sakura hasn’t bloomed yet in this area and by the time we arrived Mount Fuji was covered by the cloud.


  • Next, we head to Oshino-Hakkai by Mount Fuji World Heritage Loop Bus.
  • The garden in Oshino-Hakkai is truly beautiful and calming.
  • In the afternoon while waiting for a bus head to Kawaguchiko Station, there’s snowfall, it’s so cold but also beautiful and romantic.

Kawaguchiko Station

  • We head to Mishima station in order to take Shinkansen for Kyoto.


  • We took Shinkansen from Mishima to Kyoto and spent another 2 hours in the train.
  • We finally can experience how the fastest train in Japan operates. Imagine that you can reach the 9 hours bus journey with only 2 hours. I’d say this magic, but this’s not magic at all, this’s technology, civilization!!!

Internet Café

  • We decide to spend the night at an Internet Café. It’s very easy to find the Internet Café, just across the Kyoto Station from south/ Hachijō exit.
  • We can use WIFI, computer, and read any comics, books, and magazines there. The beverage’s free. We went to the designated booth after got our slipper, tissue, and lend charger. We rent a private booth side by side and open the connecting door, it’s quite decent, there’s computer set with headphone, and enough space for sleep and to place our suitcase.
  • The bathroom’s free and there’s hot water, but you need coins for shower.

Day 5 - 2th April

  • We rent a medium locker for our baggage (2 cabin baggage), cost 700 yen at Kyoto Station.

Fushima Inari

  • The weather was nice, we did a bit hiking and took many pictures in this famous red shrine.
  • We enjoy the view and took sometimes to read people wishes hanging in the some kind of wall. Amen to all the wishes friends…

Kyoto Tower

  • Back to Kyoto Station for our Kimono appointment (cost 3.132 yen (included tax) per pax) at Wargo Kimono, 3F Floor, Kyoto Tower building.

Kinkaku-ji – The Golden Temple

  • We took a bus to Kinkaku-ji – The Golden Temple with One Day Pass Bus Kyoto.
  • The entrance fee for Kinkaku-ji is 400 yen.
  • The Kinkaku-ji – The Golden Temple is very beautiful, and I think one of the famous view of this temple is the view of the temple along with its shadow in the lake.


  • Took a bus and hiked to Kiyomizudera in an old pedestrian complex set. Arrived in the temple with a quite huge area and assumed “this is Kiyomizudera”.
  • We took pics, sightseeing, have quite fun, and wondering where were the famous Kiyomizudera stage? Since the area was quite big, we assumed maybe we just couldn’t find it and also the temple quite crowded, so we decided to conclude our tour because we need to return the Kimono at 6 pm sharp.

OTW ke Osaka

  • Back to Kyoto Station, we returned the Kimono took a train to Osaka.
  • In the train, my friend kept on reading Kyoto tourist map and suddently exclaim with regret “hey!!! the place we visited isn’t Kiyomizudera, it’s Yasaka Shrine. I kept thinking why couldn’t we find the Kiyomizudera’s stage. So, that’s why… meeeehh”.

Capsule Hotel

  • In Osaka, we stayed at Capsule Hotel “Stay Osaka” which around 6 to 8 minutes walk from Nippombashi station.

Day 6 - 3th April



  • We head to Universal Studio Japan (USJ) to spend the day. We bought our ticket in advance from Klook, cost +/- IDR 1 Million/ pax.

Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey

  • OMG!! It’s super fun and a bit adrenaline rushing, love it to the moon and back, we ride broomstick while playing Quidditch along with Harry and friends in Hogwarts. Marvelous!!! hahahhaa…. After the ride, we took a few pics and drank the famous Harry Potter Butterbear, cheeeeers everybody!!! 

Despicable Me Minion Mayhem

  • Who wants to be a minion??? ME!!!!!
  • Another must try ride in the USJ. I really love all these 4D experience in the USJ, but the bumpy made me a bit dizzy in this ride, hahahaaa….

The Amazing Adventures of Spiderman

  • An adventure with Peter Parker to serve justice and fight the devil was quite good. While queuing, we were shown Daily Bugle office set and many mean/ harsh quotes from J. Jonah Jameson (Peter Parker’s boss).

 The Flying Dinosaur

  • This was really thrilling!! I felt that I really flying because every time the ride made a down turn, my head was in front and it felt like I will land face first in the ground, wkwkwkwk… And because it’s outdoor, the feeling of flying became even more real, I can see sky, land, ocean, and building around USJ, I was screaming and my hearts pounding out my chest the entire ride.
  • The wind blew stronger, it felt slapping my face and made my eyes watering, but I didn’t dare to close my eyes because I really want to remember and treasure every tiny bit of this experience and how I feel about it.

Hollywood Dream - Backdraft

  • I was mesmerized by this attraction, it showed behind the scene information about how to build fire set of the movie Backdraft by Ron Howard.

Hollywood Dream – The Ride – Backdrop

  • This ride is really special and different, which is the ride were facing backwards, hahahaaa…
  • I felt nausea and my head spinning because the extreme fast and at the top of that, it was facing backwards, all I could feel was, my head hanging in the air backward when I was facing the sky, it felt like doing a long somersault. As soon as the ride finish, I felt like throwing up the giant turkey I just had for the late lunch before.

Sesame Street – Shrek 3D

  • We watch Shrek 3D in Sesame Street to ease the nausea we had after backdrop. It’s about Shrek & Fiona love story, so romantic...

Universal Spectacle Night Parade - The Best of Hollywood

  • I’m so happy the entire parade, they made the set even the sky adjust every theme of the section, there were Minion & Gru, Harry Potter, Transformers, Shrek, ect. The Harry Potter parade were very magical, there were even a battle between Harry cs and Voldemort. The Transformers parade were very good, we witnessed the transformation from car to robot, wow!!! technology. Minion & Gru were truly adorable, love love…


  • Typically souvenir at theme park, they cost really expensive. After exploring and debating what to buy as memento, I bought a three minion key chain cost equal to IDR 120 thousand, which I though the most worth it, hahaha...

Universal Cool Japan

  • This spring, we can enjoy Lupin the Third Car Chase XR Ride and Detective Conan: The World in the Universal Cool Japan. Unfortunately we need another ticket to enjoy this ride (out of budget), so I was just take pic in front of beloved kawaii Conan Edogawa, hihihi…

Day 7 - 4th April


Osaka Castle

  • We walk along the lake and hanging around the park in the Osaka Castle, take pictures, and bought street food at the gate of Osaka castle and picnicking across the lake to enjoy Osaka Castle and Sakura from a far. It’s so peaceful and relaxing, the squid roasted and Takoyaki we bought were so delicious too


  • Next, we visit Dotonbori to take a picture in front of Glico Man and bought souvenirs at Don Quijote.
  • From Dotonbori, we used google map to head to Halal Mentei Naritaya Osaka Minami Ramen for late lunch. I had spicy ramen and shrimp dumpling, the ramen were so so and the dumpling was good. The soup was really help to warm the body since its Spring “rasa” Winter, hehehe… (cost 600 Yen)
  • We head back to Dotonbori to shop for souvenirs in Don Quijote.
  • I bought make up, key chain, fridge magnet, and a lot yummy snacks, hehehe...
  • We stayed in line to pay and went to another counter in the 1st floor to get our free tax and purchasing wrapped.


  • Check in for the flight and head to the area around departure gate. I spent my remaining yen for chocolate and beverage from vending machine, and got Pokemon from Mandarake machine game at the waiting area, wkwk… Sayonara Japan, see you again :) :)

Day 7 - One Day Osaka - 7 Days 6 Nights Itinerary – Japan (Part 6)

Day 7 - One Day Osaka - 7 Days 6 Nights Itinerary – Japan (Part 6)

4th April - Day 7

Osaka Castle
After check out and entrusted our baggage at the hotel, we head to Osaka Castle in the morning and spend time there till noon. We walk along the lake and hanging around the park in the Osaka Castle, take pictures, and bought street food at the gate of Osaka castle and picnicking across the lake to enjoy Osaka Castle and Sakura from a far. It’s so peaceful and relaxing, the squid roasted and Takoyaki we bought were so delicious too. Hah, we didn’t want this holiday to end, but unfortunately this is our last day in Japan, hmmmm…

Sebuah kiriman dibagikan oleh Ririn Nasution (@junitasarisyahrini) pada

Sebuah kiriman dibagikan oleh Ririn Nasution (@junitasarisyahrini) pada

We recorded the process of Takoyaki making here:

On our way back to the station from Osaka Castle, we spot this beautiful park.

  • Next, we visit Dotonbori to take a picture in front of Glico Man and bought souvenirs at Don Quijote. On the way to Dotonbori, we spot Sinchan Mandarake machine game, wow… really want to get one, but unfortunately the machine were out of order because it’s sold out, huaaaa… there’s another machine, but for Pokemon, so we decided not to play :(
  • Dotonbori were a big area, so we asked for direction to reach Glico Man, there’s a nice and kind lady who insist to walk us to the Glico Man, we were really grateful.
  • After took some pictures in front Glico Man and around Dotonbori, we used google map to head to Halal Mentei Naritaya Osaka Minami Ramen which was 10 minutes walk from Dotonbori.
  • I had spicy ramen and shrimp dumpling (+/- 600 Yen), the ramen were so so and the dumpling was good. The soup was really help to warm the body since its Spring “rasa” Winter, hehehe…
  • We head back to Dotonbori to shop for souvenirs. Don Quijote was the most ideal place to shop, you can find almost everything here and cost the best. I bought make up, key chain, fridge magnet, and a lot yummy snacks, hehehe... Japanese key chain and fridge magnet were very kawaii, love them :) :)
  • We stayed in line to pay and went to another counter in the 1st floor to get our free tax and purchasing wrapped.
  • Happy, happy… I also manage to buy Hello Kitty spoon ect at Daiso, kawaii kawaii, hehe…
  • Back to the hotel, we were packing and left for Kansai Airport.

Check in for the flight, we drop our 20 kg baggage and head to the area around departure gate. I spent my remaining yen for chocolate and beverage from vending machine, and got Pokemon from Mandarake machine game at the waiting area, wkwk… Sayonara Japan, see you again :) :)